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What does being a "good citizen" mean to you?

"Putting good energy into the community, obeying just laws"

"Being a good citizen is to be responsible and open minded. With social awareness, a citizen is part of a community."

"Following laws, contributing to the common good, voting and political engagement"

"Being a good citizen means complying with all reasonable laws, statutes, and regulations, and also participating in the civic process by voting and standing up for one's beliefs while staying open to others' perspectives, regardless of political leaning."

"Following the constitution"

"Good citizen in terms of actually doing something to help the country would be exercising your right to vote, being up to date on current political events, and speaking out against social issues.

It also means just being a good person in general, being kind to friends and strangers, and just not being a piece of shit."

"It means helping out others when you notice someone is struggling. It is about standing up for what is right and being a good person to others in your community and contributing to positive change."

"Taking care of the community and the people in it in ways that you are able to given your financial and emotional capacity"

"Being a good citizen is engaging with the community, speaking out about causes you believe in and making sure you don't exclude anyone."

"It means being aware and actively engaging in civic duties such as voting."

"Being an active participant and contributing to the overall well-being of my country and locality."

"Voting, following the law"

"Voting and staying up to date on politics."

"Doing what’s right even when no one is watching"

"Being a 'good citizen' means upholding the basic duties of a citizen (such as voting, following the laws), but it also means speaking out against injustices and making sure that issues are resolved instead of silenced."

"Giving back to the community, voting, being a positive impact, respecting elders, shopping small/supporting local businesses"

"Does their part in society"

"To practice the rights I’ve been granted and adhere to this 'social contract'"

"Staying up to date on current events, taking action to stand up for what I believe is right, even small actions on a day to day basis"

"To care about something for the greater good more than yourself + abide by laws"

"It means understanding and embracing differences in communities and being respectful when being involved in your community."

"Obeying the laws, giving back to your community"

"Actively participating in the community and working to better it"

"Means doing you part to make and maintain a strong country."

"Working to ensure all men (AND women) are created equal"

"Following the rules that society sets to the best of your ability. Also being kind and supportive to your peers, whether you know them or not, and accepting them for who they are."

"Staying informed. Voting.

Helping your community in little ways."

"Law abiding, but also standing up against laws that are retroactive toward the common good, advocating for things that help progress your community"

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